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Sex Appeal Isn't Just About Your Body

November 2, 2020
Written by: Ms. Femoiselle

Femoiselles, when you think of sex appeal, you automatically think of voluptuous shape, flowing skin, perfect smile, flat stomachs, just all out gorgeous. I am here to tell you, sex appeal is more than just your appearance. Sex appeal isn't all about being an Instagram baddie. Sex appeal involves attraction. There certainly is more to being attractive than someones physicality. Your physical appearance is about only 10% of the process.

What is Sex Appeal?

The definition of sex appeal is the quality of being attractive in a sexual way. Some call it sexual attraction. Attraction isn't just about aesthetic, it includes other factors such as movements, your voice and smell. Your body is a small portion in the grand scheme of things. Sex appeal is about being the whole package to someone that understands the whole entirety of the being. It's about the mind, body and soul. Appeal isn't based on one sole feature or behavior. A person can have flaws and someone can still find them sexually appealing.

Sex Appeal Varies From Person to Person

Have you ever met a woman that isn't the most beautiful but she always has a bevy of men chasing after her and trying to get her attention. You think to yourself, what is it about her that they find so appealing. Well sex appeal varies from person to person. Confidence is very attractive. Women that are very confident never really have a hard time attracting the opposite sex. Another thing men find appealling is charisma. Charisma will give you that extra boost of sexiness. Charisma is the magnetic and charming personal quality that draws people to someone. Its about having a likeable personality that draws people in. Having a great personality can solely be the basis of how someone is attracted to you. For one man your personality is what brings him in to you. For another man, it could be how confident you are in general. Sometimes the way you smell can really trigger and make a man want to get to know you. The tone of your voice can make a man be so into you. Your gestures and body movements when walking and talking can produce sex appeal in a man's eye. On the other hand, it could simply be the way you look that they find appealing. I can't forget to mention, just being an interesting person will turn your sex appeal up several notches. We can't put sex appeal in one box viewed by men as just visually beautiful.

You Can Have Sex Appeal Too

Femoiselles you can have sex appeal many differenty ways. Sex appeal can be shown through your body language, your appearance, and your behavior. Check out ways to produce sex appeal.


❤ Sex appeal via your behavior starts with being comfortable talking to other people. That means you can't be shy and you should brush up on your conversational skills. If you have anxiety when it comes to talking to anyone new, people can tell. If you know that this is your issue, practice by saying hi to people when you are out in public. Ask them how they are doing. If that doesn't help, sometimes a little liquid will give you courage, aka liquid courage. Again, having confidence is key. You want to seem like you aren't afraid and nervous.

❤ When you have confidence others notice and like it. One of the ways you can seem confident is by smiling. Having your own opinion is super appealing too. You can't be a doormat. Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. It is ok to disagree. If you handle the disagreements well, it shows you have maturity.

❤ Another way to show sex appeal via your behavior is willing to be open and try something new. Men find it sexy when you aren't scared to open up and try something different. It could be as simple as trying a new drink or watching a different genre of movie. The fact of being willing to do so is very attractive. These are just a few ways to be sexually appealing based on your behavior.


Keeping up your appearance is a key factor in sex appeal.

❤ Make sure you purchase and wear clothes that are flattering to your body. Also pick clothes that compliment your skin tone. You don't have to show all your skin to be sexy. Just giving a little can go a long way. Try to pick feminine and flirty styles to appeal.

❤ Another way to kick up your sex appeal is to wear makeup. This doesn't mean have your face caked by the pound. Makeup should be worn to enhance your beauty. A little, lipstick, foundation, blush, mascara and eyeshadow can uplift your natural beauty. If you aren't comfortable with your skills, Youtube makeup tutorials is your new bestfriend. Also, you can get tips from the beauty counters in your local department store. Makeup will take your overall appearance up a notch.

❤ Femoiselles, treating your body right is important in sex appeal. So that means you want to maintain your skin, drink water and eat as healthy as you can. Try to avoid drinking lots of alcohol. Drinking too much wine can make you puffy. Speaking of puffy, your eyes being puffy with bags is not a good look. Make sure you get as much beauty rest as possible. Avoid smoking because it's not good for your skin either. Make sure you work out even if it is simply walking everyday, workout tapes or a light jog.


Femoiselles, I can't stress this enough, smelling good is the oldest trick in the book

❤ Simply wearing a nice fragrance will reel men in. It is the easiest way to get a man to approach you. The sense of smell plays a major role in sex appeal. You personally know that if a man isn't smelling too pleasant that it probably turn you off. Always find a couple of scents for different seasons that are great for you.

Body Language, Physical and Verbal Attraction

Body language is one of the easiest ways to be appealing sexually. Whether you know it or not, other people are watching you while you are out and reading your body language. This could make the difference of whether someone will approach you are not. Your body language sends signals to people that know how to read body language. Here are some things to do to show you have sex appeal.

❤ Make sure you smile, real authentic smiles not fake ones.

❤ Make a habit of not crossing your arms. It shows that you are closed off to people. You want to appear open and welcome for conversation.

❤ Work on your posture as well. Sit up straight and stand straight, no slumping over.

❤ Flirting is useful. You can touch a man's arm, sit close to him, or whisper in his ear. Femoiselles, make sure you make eye contact. This will appear that you are paying attention. Men love when you seem like you are interested in what they are talking about.

❤ The way in which you walk in your heels with grace and power can make all the difference. If you are unsure of how to do these things, watch other people that you consider to be confident. Observe how they move their body and react with men that approach them.

Femoiselles, realize that sex appeal isn't all about the body. It isn't even about being sexual in general. If you feel like you are lacking in any one of these areas, practice these skills provided. After awhile, they will come naturally. Most importantly add your personal touch and flare. Anyone can have sex appeal, make sure that person is you!

Level Up Your Style With Silk Scarves: 6 Ways to Wear Them

September 14, 2020
Written By: Ms. Femoiselle

Femoiselles, want to upgrade your look and accessories? Add a silk scarf to your outfit to give it an instant chic look. Silk scarves are very expensive and are well worth the investment; however, just because they are pricey, it doesn't mean you have to spend lots to own them. You can still look elegant and sophisticated by browsing and purchasing them at sales at department stores, deep discount stores or your favorite boutiques without paying the high end luxury price. High end scarves can cost you hundreds of dollars for just one! No worries Femoiselles, take a look at these affordable scarf options I've provided. The key to wearing your silk scarf is knowing how to wear it with style! It is all in the styling Femoiselles. Check out the different styles to wear your scarf and scarves that are budget friendly!

How to Style Your Silk Scarf

Simple Point in Front

This style is super-easy for all your looks! Dressed up to dressed down you can wear your scarf with the point in front. Here is how to do so. Start with folding a square silk scarf in half to make a triangle. Next simply wrap it around your neck, making the point downward. Tie or knot the loose ends together at the back. There you go, you now have the front style. You can wear this style with a small square scarf or a larger one.

Draped Front Knot

To upgrade your casual style and add a feminine touch, create a draped look with a silk scarf. You start by loosely rolling your scarf at a diagonal. Then wrap it once around your neck with the ends facing the front. Next, tie the scarf loosely to one side. This look is great with a colorful printed scarf with a solid color shirt preferably a button down style top.

Boy Tie Scarf Wrap

The boy style scarf tie is similiar to how the boy scouts wear theirs. This style is perfect for wearing with blazers or with a v-neck style top. To wear this look, first start by rolling your scarf diagonally. After that, bring it around your neck and make sure that each end is of equal length in the front. Finally, make a knot at the base of your neck, so the that the ends stick out or hang down, based on the length.


pic credit: passionforelegance.com

Bow Tie Scarf Wrap

The bow tie scarf wrap is a feminine style that can be worn with dressy outfits and works well with simplified outfits. Here is how you pull off this style. Roll your scarf diagonally and bring it around your neck. Then tie it into a bow at the front. You can simply dress up your most basic outfits.


pic credit: passionforelegance.com

Long and Loose Front Wrap

This style is great for a large square silk scarf. Wearing your silk scarf with this style, gives any outfit a polished look. The first step is to start with a diagonally rolled scarf. After that, drape it around your neck, tie it loosely and then about midway down its length. The best way to wear this scarf is by making sure you wear a multi-colored scarf that picks up on a color from some other piece in your outfit to pull it all together for a sophisticated look.

pic credit: passionforelegance.com

The Loosey Goosey

Wearing your silk scarf with this style portrays nothing but elegance. Here is how you achieve this style. Roll a large square scarf diagonally and next drape is along your neck without tying it. Basically the ends of your scarf hang loosely. Choose a patterned pretty silk scarf and styling with the loosey goosey will allow it to be shown off. Best to be worn with a more casual look.

Femoiselles, don't be afraid to level up your outfits by adding a silk scarf to take it up a notch. Silk scarves are classy, sophisticated and very feminine. They can be worn to dress up or when you are in your casual outfits. The best part about silk scarves, they can be worn year round and they never go out of style. Add them to your level up wardrobe and start practicing your different scarf styles to add some flare!

Affordable Silk Scarves

How To Wear Your Silk Scarf Videos


Level Up Your Sleepwear: 4 Styles of
Feminine, Fun, Flirty and Sexy Sleepwear

September 7, 2020
Written By: Ms. Femoiselle

Femoiselles, not only should you look great when leaving the house, you should also look and feel feminine going to bed. Wearing cute and sexy sleep clothes should be worn for yourself. When you look good you feel good as well!!! Night wear can get pretty expensive, but not if you know where to shop and look. I can't state this enough, sales are your friend especially when you are starting off your level up journey! There is nothing wrong with mixing things up! You can wear high and low items and still look like a class act! I have included a list of fun, feminine, sexy, flirty and classic nightwear items to add to your sleep wardrobe. If you own some of the pieces already, fantastic. If you don't, get piece by piece to add to your sleep wear collection. Like I always say, have your new beau purchase the expensive pieces for you!

Silk/Satin Robe

A robe is a loose fitting garment. Robes are used to cover up after taking showers or a bath! Wearing one keeps your body warm after bathing and prevent you from becoming cold. They are cute to wear around the house and if you so happen to be in front of company they are great cover ups. They keep you covered without showing a lot of skin but yet still very feminine! Satin and silk robes are the best ones to have. Classy and sophisticated are what robes are! Right now the most popular robe is the kimono, which is known as traditional Japanese wear. You can walk around the house looking and feeling regal!

Chiffon Kimono Black $44

Linea Donatella Nohea Tropical-Print Wrap Robe $30

Long Kimono Black $48


A chemise is a short or long dress that hangs straight from the shoulders and fits loosely at the waist! A chemise is a French term meaning shirt which the English called a smock and was originally a garment worn next to the skin to protect clothes from sweat and body oils. Chemises are now being worn as slip dresses and used to be worn as slips under clothing. They are usually made of satin and silk. When you wear a chemise to sleep, you are look like the high level goddess that you are!

INC Lace-Trim Satin Chemise Nightgown, Created for Macy's $27.25

Poloma Long Chemise Black $78


A cute but classy type of nightgown is the babydoll. It is very similar to the chemise. It is a loose fitting nightgown. It typically has formed or fitted cups for cleavage. Also it has a loose skirt that is usually between the belly button and upper thigh. You can find them with lace, bows, ribbons appliques, fur, ruffles with spaghetti straps. Babydolls are made of translucent and or sheer fabric. This nightgown is often categorized as lingerie.

Juliet Lace-Trim Chiffon Babydoll Chemise Nightgown $29.00

Matching Silk/Satin Pajamas

It is time to put away your t-shirt and shorts for sleepwear and invest into matching silk pajama sets. They look great and they feel divine to sleep in. Silk is good for your skin as well. They are so cozy and make you look like the regal queen you are for sleep. Put away your mix-match sleep clothes and step in cute matching silk pajamas.

Wren Kimono And Trouser Set $74

INC International Concepts Solid Satin Pajama Shorts Set, Created for Macy's $29.75

Femoiselles, it is time to upgrade and level up your sleepwear. Transition into classy. cute, fun and flirty sleepwear. Start sleeping like the high level goddess that you are! Don't forget to shop the sales so you can look fancy while sleeping without spending so much!